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International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robots and Mechanical Engineering
04th Jul-05th Jul 2025, Christchurch,New Zealand
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Artificial Intelligence
AI Algorithms
Artificial Intelligence tools & Applications
Automatic Control
Natural Language Processing
CAD Design & Testing
Computer Vision and Speech Understanding
Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools
Fuzzy Logic
Heuristic and AI Planning Strategies and Tools
Computational Theories of Learning
Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Information Retrieval
Intelligent System Architectures
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge-based Systems
Multimedia & Cognitive Informatics
Neural Networks
Parallel Processing
Pattern Recognition
Semantic Web Techniques and Technologies
Soft computing theory and applications
Software & Hardware Architectures
Robotics Engineering
Robotics engineering
Applications of robotics
Applications of robotics, advantages and disadvantages
Current and common research projects
Innovations in robotics
Robotics and engineering applications
Kinematics, dynamics, and control
Dexterous manipulation
Locomotion, nonlinear control, and visual serving
Mechanisms of robots
Design, humanoids, hands, and legged system
Snakes, and novel actuators
Reconfigurable robots and mems/nems
Micro/nanobots, and novel sensors
Haptics and tactile interfaces
Planning and algorithms for robots
Motion planning, task planning, coordination, complexity and completeness
Computational geometry, simulation, and planning
Contact modeling, grasp synthesis, and assembly
Force control and manipulation planning
Human-robot interaction and human centered systems
Brain-machine interfaces, and telerobotics
Human augmentation, and assistive robots,
Social robots, safe interaction, robots and art
Grounded language acquisition
Natural language generation
Human-robot dialogue
Underwater robotics
Aerial/space robotics
Agricultural and mining robotics
Distributed systems
Multi-robot systems
Networked robots
Medical robotics
Robot-assisted procedures
Smart surgical tools
Rehabilitation robotics
Interventional therapy
Image-guided procedures
Surgical simulation
Soft-tissue modeling
Biological robotics
Biomimetic robotics
Robotic investigation of biological science and systems
Neurobotics, prosthetics, robotics and molecular biology
Robot perception
Vision, tactile and force perception, and range sensing
Sensor fusion, calibration and identification
Mobile systems and mobility
Mapping, localization, navigation, slam
Collision avoidance, and exploration
Estimation and learning for robotic systems
Reinforcement learning
Bayesian techniques
Deep learning
Graphical models
Imitation learning
Mechanical Engineering
Dynamics, Motion Control
Industrial Planning
Machine Design
Production Management
Fault Diagnosis
Force/Impedance Control, Architecture and Programming
Functionality graded materials
Haptics, Teleoperation, Telerobotics and Network Robotics
Hardware/software Co-design
Human-Robot Interfaces
Industrial automation, process control, manufacturing process and automation
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Planning
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Intelligent mechatronics, robotics, biomimetics, automation, and control systems
Intelligent System
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Kinematics, Mechanics and Mechanism Design
Legged Robots, Wheeled Mobile Robots
Machine Design
Machine Elements
Machine Toll Design, CNC, Metrology
Machining Processes
Man Machine Interfaces
Manufacturing System Architecture, Design and Performance
Material Science
Materials and Material Processing
Mechanical Metallurgy
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Mechanisms, Systems
Mechatronic Systems and Applications
Mechatronics Design
Mechatronics Education
Medical Robots and Systems
Metal Cutting
Metal Forming
Methodologies for Robotics and Automation
Micro Mechatronics
Micro/Nano, Distributed, Cellular and Multi Robots
Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems
Modeling, Planning and Control
Motion Control
Network based control systems
Operations Research
Personal and Service Robotics
Petri Nets
Process Control
Production Management
Production Technology
Quality Control
Robotics and Automation in Unstructured Environment
Robots and Mobile Machines
Smart Materials
Stability and Noise
Robots and Mobile Machines
Welding and Powder Technology